


M.A. Turcology


The M.A. Turcology programme at JGU Mainz offers an advanced curriculum in general and comparative Turcology, including linguistics, philology and literary studies. The programme is set for a standard duration of four semesters, comprising in total seven modules and 120 ETCS credits.

Right from the start it encompasses a complementary combination of the acquisition of advanced theoretical knowledge with the training of the corresponding applied methodological competences.

Accordingly each of the three consecutive linguistics modules consists in the acquisition of structural knowledge in a Turkic language (or alternatively a Mongolic or Tungusic language, depending on the course schedule), a seminar on linguistic theory and methodology (which, depending on the topic, can encompass various subdisciplines like e. g. typology, dialectology and language contact, historical linguistics, grammaticalization, etc.) and a research-oriented seminar where specific working techniques in domains like field work, transcription, corpus linguistics, or quantitative methods can be trained in individual or group projects.

The modules on Turkic Literature and Culture are composed of a lecture that conveys the theoretical contents and an accompanying seminar where selected topics can be examined and discussed in detail.

There is also an elective module, which offers the possibility to put emphasis on a specific Turcological focus or to strengthen methodological, theoretical or practical skills. The final module is mainly devoted to the preparation and development of the master thesis.

During the study period it is possible to spend one term of the curriculum at partner university abroad. Master graduates with an adequate average degree have the possibility to subsequently enter a consecutive PhD programme.

Terms of admission:

  • B.A. diploma in Turcology/Turkic Studies, or any B.A. with a Turcological focus of at least 36 ECTS credits (or equivalent), or a B.A. in Linguistics, Literary Studies or History with a B.A. thesis on a Turcological topic.
  • good active and passive proficiency in Turkish or another Turkic language corresponding to at least B2 according to CEFR.
  • good active and passive proficiency in English.
  • knowledge of German is not required in advance, but students without sufficient proficiency in this regard are obliged to take at least two German language courses as electives.

Start of programme:

Every winter and summer semester.

General information and administrative requirements:

  • Application deadline for all M.A. programmes is March 1 for the summer term and September 1 for the winter term. Detailed information can be found here.
  • Foreign diplomas must be formally recognized BEFORE the application, a process which takes about 6 weeks and costs a fee of EUR 60. Information on recognition can be found here.
  • There are no tuition fees, but JGU charges a semester fee of ca. EUR 322 per semester to cover administrative costs, bus and train use, etc.

Mandatory for admission to the programme is proof of good active and passive proficiency in English (B2 according to CEFRL). The following certificates correspond to B2 knowledge in English:

  • First Certificate in English (University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations) or higher level (Advanced (CAE) or Proficiency (CPE))
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System), score at least 5.5
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), 72 (internet-based test, IBT), 47 (revised TOEFL Paper-delivered Test, PdT)
  • Telc English B2
  • OTE (Oxford Test of English): overall score at least 111 of 140

The test date must not be more than three years prior to the application deadline.

General information for foreign students on studying at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz regarding accommodation etc., can be found here.

A more detailed presentation of our M.A. Turcology programme can be found here: M.A. Turcology


M.A. Linguistik / Schwerpunkt Turkologie


Im Master-Programm der Universität Mainz kann Turkologie als Schwerpunkt innerhalb des M.A. Linguistik studiert werden. Von den insgesamt 9 Modulen des Studienganges mit 120 Leistungspunkten umfasst der Schwerpunkt Turkologie 6 Module im Umfang von 90 Leistungspunkten.

Eingangsvoraussetzungen für den Schwerpunkt Turkologie im M.A. Linguistik sind ein B.A. (oder gleichwertiger Abschluss) mit thematischem Fachbezug zu den Bereichen Linguistik oder Türkische Sprachwissenschaft/Türkische Philologie im Umfang von mindestens 36 LP sowie gute aktive und passive Sprachkenntnisse des Türkeitürkischen oder einer anderen Türksprache (entsprechend mindestens Niveau B2 des GER). Sehr gute passive Kenntnisse des Englischen sind ebenfalls Voraussetzung.

Einzelheiten sind in der Master-Prüfungsordnung geregelt. Die aktuelle Fassung der Prüfungsordnung finden Sie hier.

Weitere Informationen zum M.A. Linguistik finden Sie hier:

Eine informative Kurzpräsentation zum M.A. Linguistik mit Schwerpunkt Turkologie finden Sie hier: M.A. Linguistik, Schwerpunkt Turkologie


M.A. Weltliteratur / Schwerpunkt Turkologie


Im Rahmen des M.A. Weltliteratur ist ein Studium des Schwerpunktes Türkische Literaturwissenschaft möglich. Im Einzelphilologischen Modul 1 bzw. Einzelphilologischen Modul 2 (Modul 4 bzw. Modul 5) kann das Fach Türkische Literatur gewählt werden. Auf dem Abschlusszeugnis wird der Schwerpunkt Türkische Literaturwissenschaft ausgewiesen, wenn neben Türkischer Literatur in Modul 4 oder Modul 5 mindestens weitere 4 Semesterwochenstunden im Rahmen des Vertiefungsmoduls (Modul 6) durch turkologische Lehrveranstaltungen abgedeckt werden und die Masterarbeit in Turkologie geschrieben wird.

Eingangsvoraussetzungen sind ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Allgemeiner und Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaft bzw. Komparatistik oder Absolvierung des B.A. Beifachs Turkologie bzw. ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Turkologie. Lektürefähigkeit in Englisch sowie mindestens einer weiteren modernen Fremdsprache aus dem Fächerkreis des M.A. Weltliteratur sind ebenfalls Voraussetzung. Unabdingbar für das Studium des Moduls Türkische Literatur ist daneben Lektürefähigkeit im Türkeitürkischen.

Einzelheiten sind in der Master-Prüfungsordnung geregelt. Die aktuelle Fassung der Prüfungsordnung finden Sie hier.

Weitere Informationen zum M.A. Weltliteratur finden Sie hier.

Eine informative Kurzpräsentation zum M.A. Weltliteratur mit Schwerpunkt Turkologie finden Sie hier: M.A. Weltliteratur, Schwerpunkt Turkologie


M.A. Turkic Studies


The Master’s Programme in Turkic Studies is a two-year double degree programme offered in collaboration with Uppsala University in Sweden. It gives you a unique opportunity to pursue your studies at two different universities in two different countries and graduate from both.

The programme is designed for students with a strong interest in acquiring an advanced knowledge of Turkic linguistics, philology and literary studies. You will study in international environments with teachers and students from diverse academic, educational, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Upon completing the programme, you will have broad and specialised knowledge and academic skills in the field of Turcology that qualify you for further academic studies, or for academic jobs at universities and research institutions.

The programme’s curriculum encompasses various classical branches of Turcology: philological analysis of historical sources, codicology and critical edition, historical-comparative linguistics with reconstruction and etymological studies, linguistic investigation of various phenomena including phonology, morphosyntax and multilingualism, dialectology and documentation of the modern Turkic languages, and literary studies with close reading and analysis of various genres. Additionally, the programme incorporates the use and application of modern digital tools in relation to corpora building and born-digital text editions.

During the first year you study at Uppsala University, Sweden, and during the second year at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.

During the first and second semesters, which you spend at Uppsala University in Sweden, you take seven compulsory courses (for a total of 52.5 credits) in Turkic philology and linguistics, plus the course Current trends in linguistics for 7.5 credits, offered in the subject area of linguistics during the second semester.

In the third semester, you continue your studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, where you take five compulsory courses in Turkic linguistics and Turkic literary studies. During the final semester, you write your Master’s thesis. The thesis work is supervised by a teacher from Mainz with the co-supervision of another teacher from Uppsala. The defence is carried out jointly according to German regulations.

After successful completion of the programme, each graduate will receive two Master’s Degree Certificates, one issued by Uppsala University and the other one issued by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

The application, administration of the selection process and the admission of prospective students is conducted by Uppsala University.

Further Information:
More details can be found on Uppsala University´s M.A. Turkic Studies website.
Extensive information on the M.A. Turkic Studies programme can be found in this presentation.
Applications for this MA programme must be done via

Prof. Dr. László Károly (Uppsala University),
Prof. Dr. Julian Rentzsch (JGU Mainz),